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Help your child to think

Help your child to think


One of the most precious gifts we can give our child is our time…here are some examples of things you can do to get your child thinking


Notice everything around you

Discuss colour, shape, size, smell, sounds, tastes, texture and materials.


Compare everything

Is it bigger, smaller, wider, narrower, fatter, thinner, heavier, lighter?


Use the question words

When? How? What? Where? Why?


Say where everything is

Behind, in front, upside down, back to front, on the top, underneath


Show how things are done

Take things to pieces, build them again, cook together, paint together, clean together


Count everything

Tins in cupboard, packets on shelf, biscuits for tea, chips, knives and forks, socks out to dry


Essential words

What do you think? What would you do? How could we….? Is there a better way? How could we change this? What would happen if?


Talk about everything!

Talk as you do everything together – going for a walk, laying the table, at the shop, looking for things, the change of seasons


Try to use the phrase

Stop, let me think!


Measure everything

How long? How tall? How wide? How thick? How deep?


Fair discipline

Agree ground rules, discuss problems, talk things through, don’t be afraid to use fair sanctions



Praise them when they do well

Tell them they have done well, have stickers, points for good behaviour, red and green lights or flags for ‘stop’ and ‘go’

Have a dress up box

Pretend, imagine, invent, create, re-design, re-build


Collect a treasure box

Gather things for creating and making, coloured bits and pieces, boxes, stickers, ribbons, interesting ‘rubbish’